I have also made my move to Charleston to wait on his arrival. The move was hard because I miss my sweet husband and our dogs. I also miss walking into the nursery and just looking at Jack's things. My hosts have kept me very busy though with shopping trips, great food (one of them is a chef), and the cutest little 8 month old who loves to squeal with excitement often and beat on my belly to get Jack moving! Jack has been really active since my move and I have wondered if it has anything to do with another baby around all day- trust me Jack can hear him! I also have two pugs who like to check on me first thing in the morning and after my naps. The female must know I am pregnant because she always wants to snuggle and likes to be as close to my belly as she can.
I have been a bit under the weather because this weekend I came down with a stupid cold. I am trying all the home remedies and lots of rest to kick it before he gets here- which I feel won't be too much longer because he can't get any lower (I think)! I have my 39 and a half week appointment tomorrow morning and I am interested to see if I have made any progress yet because last week was still no progress at all. 40 weeks will be Tuesday the 24th!!
Just a few prayer request- pray that I kick this cold because I am so worried they will not let me in the PCICU with him which would be completely devastating. They say the mother being with the baby, although not being held, makes a huge difference in how well they do. Also pray for Maddie a blog I have followed for a while of another HRHS child that gives me a lot of inspiration and a wealth of information! She will undergo the Fontan (the third and final surgery) on the 24th http://allredbabygirl.blogspot.com/. Also the Carter family as they await the arrival of their little girl. Derrick's story has been so inspirational to me also. Derrick was their first child born with a very complex heart and like Jack had a pulminary atresia. The new baby has a perfectly normal heart which is so exciting, because once you have one heart baby you have a slightly higher risk for another (although it is rare to have 2 in one family). I can only imagine how exciting it will be to see four perfect heart chambers on an ultrasound! http://www.carolinacarters.com/
Thanks for all of your support and prayers! I can't wait to see Jack's sweet face and kiss those chubby cheeks! Hopefully my next post will be to show him off to all of you!!