I finally felt comfortable enough with Jack's bottle feeding to let someone else feed him and who better than daddy! Trust me, it wasn't that I was just being a crazy mom. Jack was just awful at the bottle. Either he would suck so much so quickly that he would choke or he wouldn't suck hard enough to get anything out. The choking was terrifying. If he wasn't getting anything he would be worn out, we would have wasted time and I would have to tube him the full amount. It also takes FOREVER to feed him. A quick feed is 45 minutes. Most feeds last at least an hour- 30 minutes on the bottle, burping (which he never does), then tubing the remainder. Jackson has watched me feed him so many times and I finally felt comfortable that he wasn't going to choke, so I passed it on. The first time I watched, not too closely ;), but I thought it went great! What a relief and Jackson loved doing it too! It is such a huge help. Maybe now I can get to that laundry, or dusting, mopping... Yuck.

Also, some GREAT news! Dr. Bonnett called and the test results for Maple Syrup Urine Disease are negative!! Prayers answered! Now we can move on to enjoying Jack! Also, Dr. Bonnett said I didn't have to wake him up to eat anymore! Guess who slept all night...

This guy! (and me!)
Yay, yay, yay...for everything! Don't you feel human again after sleeping all night?! :)