Surgery went really well yesterday. They took him back at about 2:30pm and put in a couple IV lines because Jack is notorious for loosing them and being a hard stick. On a side note, one of them already went bad this morning!! The surgery lasted about an hour and a half and he was able to be taken off the ventilator in the OR which was great! Dr. Bradley said the infection was the entire length of his incision and some of the cartilage had become infected which caused all the wires holding his sternum to pull through. Dr. Bradley cleaned all the infection he could see out and closed him back up. The infection we knew he had before was coag negative staff (contracted in hospitals and ORs, lovely) and they took additional cultures during surgery, so I'll be interested to see if anything else comes up. He spent last night in the PCICU, we're already on 8D and we will be here until Friday at the earliest. They are going to watch for any signs of infection and are keeping him on a strong course of IV antibiotics (hence the importance of a good IV). I am already seeing a difference in Jack. He seems so much more comfortable than before. I am just praying all the infection is gone! As for Jackson and I, we are hoping we will be home for Christmas. If not Jack will never remember that he spent his first Christmas on 8D. I just want to take home a happy, healthy boy!

And I just had to share this one!

Don't you just want to pinch him!!
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