Shabby Blogs

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It's a go

Well we have just finished our full day of Pre Op at the hospital. Everything went well and we got the go ahead for surgery tomorrow morning. We check in at 5:30am and meet with anesthesia, respiratory, surgical staff, etc.  The surgery will take anywhere from 5-6 hours and we probably won't see him for another hour after he is done. The first 1-2 hours of surgery will be getting through the scar tissue and the procedure takes 4. The plan is to take him off the breathing tubes around dinner time and help him rest through the first night and following day. 
Please pray that all goes well and his body is accepting of the new changes. We have some challenging days ahead with this sweet guy. Fortunately today he won over the staff loving on each one after his blood was taken, echo, EKG etc. I guess it definitely can't hurt!! Thank you for all the love, prayers and support so many of you have given our sweet boy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jack you are such a big boy and a strong fighter!!!! Prayers from Atlanta!
